Band & Drill Workshop

Holy Family School (Englehart) 80 8th Ave, Englehart, Ontario, Canada

Cadets are required to arrange their own transportation to and from this training exercise. This is an overnight training exercise. While meals will be provided, cadets are required to bring a sleeping bag and mattress, water bottle, sports clothing and running shoes, and as always - their health card.

Marksmanship Competition

North Bay

This event is only for those cadets selected to compete with the Marksmanship Team. Transportation is provided for this event. Bus pickup is 7:00AM at the Esso/Husky on HY 11. For cadets attending the Band & Drill workshop, the bus will depart from that training site so you do not have to attend the Esso/Husky. ... Read more


LHQ 90 Whitewood Ave, Temiskaming Shores, Ontario, Canada

Events for Feb 28, 2023 have been cancelled due to weather.

Sports Night

LHQ 90 Whitewood Ave, Temiskaming Shores, Ontario, Canada

Dress is appropriate civilian athletic wear. Bring running shoes, a water bottle and your health card.

Regular Training

LHQ 90 Whitewood Ave, Temiskaming Shores, Ontario, Canada

Boot Party. Cadets will have the opportunity to work on their uniform boots while enjoying some snacks!

Sports Day

Temiskaming District Secondary School 90 Niven St N, New Liskeard, Ontario, Canada

Regular Training

LHQ 90 Whitewood Ave, Temiskaming Shores, Ontario, Canada

Regular Training

LHQ 90 Whitewood Ave, Temiskaming Shores, Ontario, Canada

Spring Tagging

LHQ 90 Whitewood Ave, Temiskaming Shores, Ontario, Canada

Regular Training

LHQ 90 Whitewood Ave, Temiskaming Shores, Ontario, Canada

Regular Training

LHQ 90 Whitewood Ave, Temiskaming Shores, Ontario, Canada

Marksmanship Practice

LHQ 90 Whitewood Ave, Temiskaming Shores, Ontario, Canada